Packaging as an Effective Tool for Creating Awareness Among Consumers



  • Dr. Vijay Sharma, Dr. C.N. Shrimali, Mr. Arun Purohit, Dr. Ankur Goswami


Packaging, Marketing Mix, Labelling, Indian Packaging Industry, Consumer Perception for Packaging, consumer preferences for packaging.


Packaging, traditionally considered as a process of wrapping the product for the safety but over the last few decades, the industry has gone from strength to strength.

Once, considered only from the logistic point of view, the industry has now become an integral part of Marketing and strategic campaigns.

The present research tried to find out the role of packaging in the dissemination of the information about the product by the companies and the perception of consumers regarding this special “P” of Marketing.

234 respondents were selected for this study, and they opined their views through structured, pre-defined questionnaire.

The result demonstrated that consumers are aware of the packaging materials and packaging considered to be one of the factors while making a purchase decision.


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How to Cite

Dr. Vijay Sharma, Dr. C.N. Shrimali, Mr. Arun Purohit, Dr. Ankur Goswami. (2016). Packaging as an Effective Tool for Creating Awareness Among Consumers : DOI : Eduzone: International Peer Reviewed/Refereed Multidisciplinary Journal, 5(1). Retrieved from