Rehabilitation Strategies in Orthopedic Physiotherapy: Enhancing Recovery and Mobility


  • Hanan Fawaz Alharbi, Nauwaf Ali Almushaiqeh


Rehabilitation, Orthopedics, Physiotherapy, Enhancing recovery, Mobility


The aim of this review is to identify the current study results for the effect Rehabilitation strategies in orthopedic physiotherapy enhancing recovery and mobility in physiotherapy practice. Scanning of recent research an article was done through- Google scholar, Pedro and Pub-Med from 2010- 2024. Rehabilitation, Physiotherapy, mobility, enhancing recovery like terms were used to search data base. The primary search generated 50 possibly related publications, 5 articles out of 50 were finalized to include in this review depending on eligibility standards. These articles offer clear and valued perceptions into the direct and indirect effects of Rehabilitation strategies in orthopedic physiotherapy enhancing recovery and mobility in physiotherapy practice on several features of physiotherapy, together with clinical techniques, educational databases, and staffs primary forces. The results of this review are expected to serve as a brief reference guide for physiotherapists and instructors, guiding the growth of evidence-based approaches and procedures in managing the patients in several situations. On the other hand, it is acknowledged that further investigation is necessary to achieve a more extensive understanding of long term effects.


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How to Cite

Hanan Fawaz Alharbi, Nauwaf Ali Almushaiqeh. (2024). Rehabilitation Strategies in Orthopedic Physiotherapy: Enhancing Recovery and Mobility. Eduzone: International Peer Reviewed/Refereed Multidisciplinary Journal, 13(2), 73–78. Retrieved from