Unlocking the Ancient Wisdom: India’s Contribution to Global Knowledge


  • Dr. H Thopesha


Culture, Heritage, Civilisation, Philosophy, Foundation, Human and Society


The paper focus on the area of culture of India. India’s literary contribution or philosophical contribution to world wisdom India is considerably given in the various spheres of life. India has contributed a lot since ancient times, which has been crucial in the development of modern concepts. The contribution has gone a long way to develop the way of life on the earth. India, a land complete in prosperous civilizing tradition and thoughtful idealistic customs, has long been observed as a beacon of knowledge and illumination. Indian society is one of the oldest civilizations and its contributions to the modern world through decimal system and invention of zero, foundational.


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How to Cite

Dr. H Thopesha. (2018). Unlocking the Ancient Wisdom: India’s Contribution to Global Knowledge. Eduzone: International Peer Reviewed/Refereed Multidisciplinary Journal, 7(1), 95–97. Retrieved from https://eduzonejournal.com/index.php/eiprmj/article/view/645