Integrated Pest Management in Major Crop Systems


  • Dr. Rajendra Prasad


Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Sustainable agriculture, Pest monitoring, Biological control, Crop systems


Integrated Pest Management (IPM) represents a comprehensive approach to managing pests in major crop systems, emphasizing sustainable and environmentally sensitive practices. This abstract explores the principles, strategies, and benefits of IPM as applied to diverse agricultural contexts. Key components include pest monitoring, cultural practices, biological control, and judicious use of pesticides, integrated into a cohesive management framework. By integrating various techniques tailored to specific crops and regions, IPM promotes pest suppression while minimizing adverse impacts on ecosystems and human health. This abstract highlights the effectiveness of IPM in enhancing crop yields, reducing pesticide dependency, and fostering resilient agricultural systems. Additionally, it discusses challenges such as knowledge dissemination and economic feasibility, underscoring the need for continued research and extension efforts to support widespread adoption. Ultimately, IPM serves as a pivotal strategy for sustainable agriculture, balancing productivity with ecological stewardship in major crop systems worldwide.



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How to Cite

Dr. Rajendra Prasad. (2023). Integrated Pest Management in Major Crop Systems. Eduzone: International Peer Reviewed/Refereed Multidisciplinary Journal, 12(1), 364–368. Retrieved from