Sustainable Food Processing Practices


  • Dr. Sand Rillh


Sustainable food processing, Environmental impact, Resource efficiency, Renewable energy, Waste reduction


Sustainable food processing practices have emerged as a critical area of focus within the global food industry, driven by increasing awareness of environmental impacts and the necessity for efficient resource management. This abstract explores the key principles and practices that define sustainable food processing, highlighting its importance in achieving environmental sustainability, economic viability, and social responsibility. Key aspects include the reduction of energy and water consumption, the minimization of waste generation, and the adoption of renewable energy sources. Moreover, sustainable food processing emphasizes the use of eco-friendly packaging materials and the promotion of local sourcing to reduce carbon footprints associated with transportation.



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How to Cite

Dr. Sand Rillh. (2022). Sustainable Food Processing Practices. Eduzone: International Peer Reviewed/Refereed Multidisciplinary Journal, 11(2), 423–427. Retrieved from