Genetic Improvement of Ornamental Plants


  • Dr. Dave Topp


Ornamental plants, Genetic improvement, Breeding techniques, Molecular biology, Environmental sustainability


Genetic improvement of ornamental plants encompasses a diverse array of methodologies aimed at enhancing their aesthetic appeal, resilience, and adaptability. This abstract explores the multifaceted approaches utilized in breeding programs to achieve these objectives. Ornamental plants serve crucial roles in landscaping, urban beautification, and ecological restoration, prompting continuous efforts to refine their genetic traits. Traditional breeding techniques, such as hybridization and selection, remain foundational, yet modern advancements in molecular biology have revolutionized the field. Techniques like marker-assisted selection (MAS) allow for precise trait manipulation, accelerating the development of novel cultivars with desired characteristics.


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How to Cite

Dr. Dave Topp. (2021). Genetic Improvement of Ornamental Plants. Eduzone: International Peer Reviewed/Refereed Multidisciplinary Journal, 10(1), 100–105. Retrieved from