Advancements in Geopolymer Technology: A Comprehensive Review and Future Prospects


  • Dr. Ushadevi Patil, Prof. Seema Shiyekar, Prof. Poonam Nandihalli


Geopolymer, sustainable construction, cement alternative, synthesis methods, characterization techniques, material properties, applications, challenges, future prospects.


Geopolymer technology stands as a beacon of sustainable innovation in the construction industry, offering a viable alternative to traditional cement-based materials. With a focus on reducing environmental impact and improving overall performance, this paper undertakes a thorough examination of recent strides in geopolymer research. It delves into diverse facets, encompassing synthesis methodologies, characterization techniques, material properties, versatile applications, existing challenges, and promising future avenues. In the realm of synthesis methods, various approaches including alkaline activation, thermal treatments, and innovative additives are explored for their efficacy in optimizing the geopolymerization process. Characterization techniques such as X-ray diffraction, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy provide critical insights into the molecular structure, composition, and mechanical behavior of geopolymers. The discussion extends to elucidating the remarkable properties exhibited by geopolymers, ranging from impressive compressive strength and fire resistance to superior durability and chemical stability. These properties, influenced by factors like precursor composition and curing conditions, underscore the potential of geopolymers to revolutionize construction practices across diverse applications.


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How to Cite

Dr. Ushadevi Patil, Prof. Seema Shiyekar, Prof. Poonam Nandihalli. (2021). Advancements in Geopolymer Technology: A Comprehensive Review and Future Prospects. Eduzone: International Peer Reviewed/Refereed Multidisciplinary Journal, 10(1), 86–89. Retrieved from