‘’Aushadha Matra in Ayurveda’’


  • Dr. Sanjay Balwant Thatere, Dr. Tarkeshwar Wankhede, Dr. Suryabhan S. Dongare


Aushadhimatra, Vyadhi, Rogi, Aushadha.


Ayurveda is a very distinct medical science and has some unique features. Ayurveda mainly focus on the preventive aspects and helps in promotion and prolongation of a healthy and happy life. Ayurveda believes that success of any treatment is totally depends upon Chatushpada of Chikitsa. Chatushpada are Bhishag (physician), the Upastha (Medical Attendant), Rogi (patient) and Dravya (medicine).The medicine is one of the important part of treatment. So these medications should be given in proper quantity . If it is properly used in Samyak matra, it cures diseases. If it is used in Atimatra, it may harm. Same way if it is used in Hina matra, may not be capable to cure the disease. It is the Matra only by which Visha becomes Amruta and vice versa Ausadha becomes Visha. The Matra depends on various factors like patient's age, sex, prakriti, strength, desha, agnibala, satva, dosha, severity of disease and medicines used. These factors are very useful for determination of medicinal dose according to rogi. These can be correlated with modern Pharmacology factors like age, weight, surface area, and enzymatic action etc. These factors can be compiled in the Balachatustay namely Dehabala, Agnibala, Chittabala and Rogabala.


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How to Cite

Dr. Sanjay Balwant Thatere, Dr. Tarkeshwar Wankhede, Dr. Suryabhan S. Dongare. (2024). ‘’Aushadha Matra in Ayurveda’’. Eduzone: International Peer Reviewed/Refereed Multidisciplinary Journal, 13(1), 99–103. Retrieved from https://eduzonejournal.com/index.php/eiprmj/article/view/554