Course Structure of Choice Based Credit System: An Overview


  • Deepika Rani


It is thought in today's world that education is the cornerstone of country formation since the level of education represents a nation's standing. It gives pupils the ability to improve not just professionally, but also personally. There is a lack of a 'Interdisciplinary approach' and a disregard for 'value-based courses' in the Indian education system since India is dealing with two major social malaises that are directly related to 'overpopulation' and 'educational standards.' In the Indian context, the UGC is solely responsible for making progress toward the development of the National Education Policy. The University Grant Commission is in charge of policy implementation and higher education promotion. The UGC recognized the need for academic reform in the higher education sector. Moreover,


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How to Cite

Deepika Rani. (2023). Course Structure of Choice Based Credit System: An Overview. Eduzone: International Peer Reviewed/Refereed Multidisciplinary Journal, 12(2), 340–345. Retrieved from