Criminal Law Amendment, 2013: An Analysis


  • Ms. Minakshi Sharma LL.M Scholar, Department of Law, Maharshi Dayanand University Rohtak


Criminal Law Amendment, Rape, Acid Attack.


The sad gang rape event that occurred in New Delhi on December 16, 2012, caused widespread indignation
throughout India, which prompted lawmakers to bring the subject of crimes against women front and center in
political debate. As a result, the Criminal Law (Amendment) Act also referred to as the Anti-rape Act was enacted
in April 2013. It was believed that by guaranteeing that the nation's criminal justice system upholds women’s
fundamental human rights and prohibits any further offenses towards women, this Act might function as
deterrence. The study aims to investigate the different aspects of crime towards women in society and the part
played by law enforcement in addressing these offenses. The women's right of a dignified life cannot be protected by
suitable and effective laws solely. The circumstances won't change unless and until people are prepared to advocate
against it. The way society views abuse towards women has to be drastically changed in order to address it
successfully. Yet, women must be empowered by providing them with adequate and effective legal aid if they are to
be able to combat violence and prejudice. In regard to this, the Criminal Law (Amendment) Act of 2013 is a
commendable initiative


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How to Cite

Ms. Minakshi Sharma. (2015). Criminal Law Amendment, 2013: An Analysis. Eduzone: International Peer Reviewed/Refereed Multidisciplinary Journal, 4(2), 14–18. Retrieved from