Advances in Cloud Operations: Insights into Serverless Computing Dynamics and Potential


  • Mayank Jindal Independent Researcher, USA


Cloud Services, Serverless Computing, Function as a Service (FaaS), Cold Start, Event-Driven Architecture, Auto-Scaling, AWS Lambda.


Serverless architecture is a revolutionary approach in cloud computing and has provided agility  to businesses to handle engineering and technological operations. It is especially beneficial for event-driven architecture because of the on-demand invocation-based processing model resulting in simplified development. This is different from traditional cloud server management featuring automatic scaling to meet various application developments that could be easily integrated with other cloud services. However, a serverless system has its very own specific issues like cold start where there might be an initial delay in executions and performance optimization is needed for a long lasting effect of serverless function. This paper offers a deep dive into AWS Lambda as a demonstration to show the features and performance optimization strategies. It will include best known methods for utilizing serverless for scalable and innovative solutions highlighting some key points like functionalities, lifecycle management problems and other challenges.


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How to Cite

Mayank Jindal. (2023). Advances in Cloud Operations: Insights into Serverless Computing Dynamics and Potential. Eduzone: International Peer Reviewed/Refereed Multidisciplinary Journal, 12(2), 311–315. Retrieved from