Evaluating the Impact of AI on Mental Health Assessments and Therapies


  • Sathish Kumar Chintala


AI, Machine Learning (ML), Healthcare, Psychological Intervention, Mental Health, LSTM, Statistical Software, Symptoms, Demographic, Human Genome.


Background: Recent developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) portend significant shifts in how healthcare is provided in the future. The goal is to comprehend the prevalence of depression among older people in the community, investigate the factors that contribute to it, create a comprehensive plan for psychological treatment based on the factors that influence it, carry out a psychological demonstration, evaluate and present the results, and serve as a resource for enhancing the mental well-being among the elderly.


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How to Cite

Sathish Kumar Chintala. (2018). Evaluating the Impact of AI on Mental Health Assessments and Therapies. Eduzone: International Peer Reviewed/Refereed Multidisciplinary Journal, 7(2), 120–128. Retrieved from https://eduzonejournal.com/index.php/eiprmj/article/view/488