Automated Wi-Fi controlled Medicine absorb scheduler for elderly people


  • Anirban Ghosal, Moumita Pal, Sattwama Basu, Rahul Debnath, Ramesh Kumar Yadav, Salma Hasan, Bijeta Lama, Papai Ghosh Electronics & Communication Engineering/JIS college of Engineering/MAKAUT/India


Arduino UNO, GSM Module, Blynk App, Audio Recorder.


Nowadays, due to our extremely busy schedule and also the soaring prices of medical services, it is near to impossible by mediocre people to pay for 24/7 home surveillance of their aged or specially challenged loved ones [6]. Because of our busy work lives, we can‟t dedicate enough time to their care [5]. Also, in times like a pandemic, many people have to be home quarantined. Taking care of them remotely without getting infected is a challenge. So, this leads to a really big problem.

However, with “Wi-Fi based automated medicine reminder machine” we can take care of our patients from afar. Our proposed system involves connection between a blink app with a microcontroller paired with a GSM module, which connects the user with his or her patient. The app will provide time to time reminder to the patient to take a certain medicine in due time [3]. Upon taking the medicine, the app will send a message to the user stating that the patient has taken the medicine. This way one can take care of their patients without being physically available.


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How to Cite

Anirban Ghosal, Moumita Pal, Sattwama Basu, Rahul Debnath, Ramesh Kumar Yadav, Salma Hasan, Bijeta Lama, Papai Ghosh. (2022). Automated Wi-Fi controlled Medicine absorb scheduler for elderly people. Eduzone: International Peer Reviewed/Refereed Multidisciplinary Journal, 11(1), 109–113. Retrieved from