Adenoid Facies - Can Orthodontists Help?


  • Dr. Vijay Sonawane, Dr. Ng Toshmiwal, Dr. Ravindra Manerikar, Dr. Shubhangi Mani, Dr. Deeksha Devadiga, Dr. Shweta Nair Rural Dental College, Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences, Loni


Adenoid Facies


Moss' functional matrix theory was founded on the idea that healthy nasal breathing promotes the growth and development of craniofacial structures by favouring their harmonious interaction with mastication, swallowing, and other parts of the head and neck region. Mouth breathing results from airway blockage brought on by adenoid enlargement. This causes postural alterations such an open mouth, a lowered tongue position, a clockwise rotation of the mandible, and altered head posture. Early intervention necessitates a multidisciplinary strategy for patient assessment, case identification, and therapy. To effectively treat young patients with increased nasal airway resistance, doctors, allergists, otorhinolaryngologists and orthodontists must collaborate. After diagnosis, environmental and inherited factors must be taken into account, but the main objective is to support healthy nasal respiration during a child's early years of facial development. The orthodontist can accurately diagnose and treat these situations using the range of treatment options at his disposal. Although these situations might not be life threatening, they can nonetheless cause a lot of psychosocial issues in later life.


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How to Cite

Dr. Vijay Sonawane, Dr. Ng Toshmiwal, Dr. Ravindra Manerikar, Dr. Shubhangi Mani, Dr. Deeksha Devadiga, Dr. Shweta Nair. (2023). Adenoid Facies - Can Orthodontists Help?. Eduzone: International Peer Reviewed/Refereed Multidisciplinary Journal, 12(1), 163–168. Retrieved from