Role of Sensor Networks in Traffic Management and Monitoring: Challenges and Future Research Directions


  • Akhilesh Pustkov Tiera Technical College, India


Wireless Sensor Network, traffic management, smart cities, sensors, vehicles.


Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) can play an invaluable role in the traffic management and monitoring of roads. In particular, WSNs can offer a real-time understanding of traffic flow and conditions, making it easier to detect and prevent accidents. Also, they can be used to provide smart route guidance, allowing drivers to avoid traffic jams, and help reduce emissions. First, WSNs can provide a more accurate picture of the speed and volume of traffic, as well as potential hazards on the road. This can be done through the use of sensors that detect motion and traffic flow, responding to changes in conditions and sending information to a central management system. This is especially useful in areas of heavy traffic, where congestion can form quickly and lead to dangerous situations. Second, WSNs can ensure that roads are clear and free from congestion. This can be done through the use of sensors for detecting slow-moving vehicles or identifying queues and providing drivers with real-time route guidance to avoid them. This can reduce the traffic on busy roads and ensure that traffic moves more smoothly. Finally, WSNs can also be used to reduce emissions from transportation. This can be done by providing drivers with information on fuel efficiency, informing them of how they can reduce their emissions by taking alternative routes and driving more efficiently. In summary, WSNs can be used to provide effective traffic management and monitoring of roads, making them the go-to solution for smart cities.


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How to Cite

Akhilesh Pustkov. (2022). Role of Sensor Networks in Traffic Management and Monitoring: Challenges and Future Research Directions. Eduzone: International Peer Reviewed/Refereed Multidisciplinary Journal, 11(2), 345–350. Retrieved from