A Study on Recent Marketing Trends


  • Dr. Gagandeep Singh Jaura, Dr. Tripti Sharma Assistant Professor’s Baba Farid College of Management & Technology


: Content Marketing Trends, Social Media Marketing Trends, SEO Marketing Trends, AI and Automation Trends and Privacy Marketing Trends


The traditional concept of marketing as a whole has been fundamentally altered by technological advancements, forward-thinking behavior, and the insatiable desire for goods and services. Now, marketing encompasses more than just the act of buying and selling. Customer experience at every touchpoint, building relationships with customers, offering and providing a variety of free and value added services, continuously familiarizing oneself with new digital landscapes, and marketing across multiple channelsto reach various consumers are all central to the modern marketing concept. The current study focuses on Recent Trends and how they affect marketing today.


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How to Cite

Dr. Gagandeep Singh Jaura, Dr. Tripti Sharma. (2023). A Study on Recent Marketing Trends. Eduzone: International Peer Reviewed/Refereed Multidisciplinary Journal, 12(1), 1–10. Retrieved from https://eduzonejournal.com/index.php/eiprmj/article/view/219